How to win more government business and contracts

How to win more government business and contracts

When it comes to winning public sector contracts, there are myriad ways that organizations can pique the interest of governments in procurement activities. This article guides how to do so, from ensuring compliance with regulations and understanding legislation to implementing a responsive customer service strategy. Go to and learn more.

For a company or organization to land a government contract, it must understand the regulation surrounding procurement and spend time developing an effective strategy and process for targeting potential buyers.

This article outlines the necessary steps when competing for government business – from understanding legislation governing procurement activities to implementing a responsive customer service strategy that considers the needs of those who purchase goods or services on behalf of governments.

Firstly, it’s essential to understand the role of the government in the procurement process. This can be broken into three stages:

The development of an overall procurement strategy begins by performing a gap analysis on an organization’s procurement approach, which accounts for areas where there are opportunities to improve, and taking these steps:

While there is no set formula for ensuring success in winning government contracts, embracing transparency and accountability is a good start.

business and contracts

Data is available online through procurement portals like the Enterprise Portal. The best practices approach also gives organizations a good understanding of what the other bidders are up to, which can help them identify opportunities for innovation and improvement.

Understanding legislative requirements are essential to winning government contracts.

Understanding where the legislation stands helps identify future opportunities – areas where the regulation may not apply or where it may be possible to appeal to a court of law if an organization feels they’ve been mistreated.

In addition to understanding the legislative requirements of a particular government, it’s recommended that companies develop a strategy for future bidding that focuses on the end consumer. This ensures that the practices in place when developing and marketing products or services can continue to keep customers satisfied and provides feedback loops for organizations interested in winning more government business.

Governments are increasingly interested in getting more value for money from their procurements.

This means delivering goods and services at a lower cost than other bidders while maintaining quality levels comparable to those of other bidders. This can be accomplished through standardization and simplification at every step of the process – whether it’s crafting a product or service with modular components or developing a customer service process that is quick, responsive, and easy for customers to navigate.

Every country has its own unique set of rules surrounding government procurement. When trying to win government business, it’s essential to remain up-to-date on the procurement laws and regulations in each country where you’re conducting business.

In addition to understanding the procedures followed by governments when deciding which products or services are purchased, it’s also essential that organizations have an understanding of what their accounting practices should be when dealing with government entities.

By Nick H